Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The "Orange Mocha Frappicino" ministry

 AWWWW! The sweet nectar of the God's "Frappicinos" I myself am a sucker for the Venti Carmel Frappicinos. Whenever I had to meet with staff or other people from the church, instead of meeting in my office, we would meet at my other office, "Starbucks" Whats funny is I would have 2 to 3 meetings at that office a day. Which left me with a predicament....... I couldn't just meet at Starbucks and not use up their tables and not buy anything. So I was left to purchasing 2 to 3 Fraps a day, for a solid 2 years.........As you can tell I felt like a "Shakira song" called "MY HIPS DONT LIE."   Towards the end of the first year I was huffing and puffing just lifting the straw to my mouth. Goodness knows that when it came time for the Sheriff Dept training I was done for. I strictly remember having the, "I have to stop this" convo with myself after my first defensive tactics class and immediately running to hug porcelain and blowing chunks. I also remember walking back into class with all my other deputies staring at me and asking me if I was alright. I then had to face the tough reality that I couldn't drink fraps anymore or at least cut back. Instead of telling the others in the class why I threw up I had to let them know that I had the flu. I had to keep my manhood. What would it be like if I told them that I Frap. Some of them chew tobacco, some of them smoke and others drink coffee and energy drinks. If I would have told them that I "Frap" I would have had to raise my pinky finger at the same time and have them laugh at me. 

But, although my weight increased, so did my spiritual life. I found myself having my prayer times in the middle of the Starbucks on Sunnyside and having wonderful encounters with all kinds of people. I have had the BEST conversations with believers and un-believers. For example, people sharing what it is about church that turns them off from Christianity. Why people have cheated on their spouses. Why some have went on to sell drugs to make a living. To having in-depth bible discussions. 

I truly believe Starbucks makes their money not because their coffee tastes the best, but the atmosphere it offers for community. Community is a big key in peoples lives. Some people would never enter into a conversation like that in a church. Because, some people would never walk into a church. People need a stage to communicate their heart and sometimes we need to get them in an atmosphere that is non-threatening and available for them to open up and share their feelings, hopes, and dreams. 

My coolest conversation was with one of the Baristas as we discussed church and passions in life. She went on to tell me that she grew up in a legalistic church and it has turned her off to all of what church has to offer. The more I came into Starbucks, the more in depth our church convo went on. I told her we had a great church......Needless to say she showed up to College that next weekend and made a commitment to the pastor that she was going to become involved in the ministry........God and Starbucks can heal lives....hahaha.  Do not quote me on that Starbucks bit....

I know Starbucks already makes a killing off their drinks, but one more thing I would like to ask those who read this and feel the same way I do, by using Starbucks as our offices.....TIP the baristas before you leave. Cause I know looking back that I have been so busy having a great time with others that I forget my drink on the table, or I laugh to hard, or I accidentally spill my frap on the ground. They need some love from us too. Tips show that you respect them......Oh, and it also says it in the bible to bless others.....BINGO

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Co-Dependant girls of today

Most of you know the poster child of  the perfect Co-dependant girl of today........All I have to do is say a few words and she will come to your mind. "Umbrella" "Disturbia" and or "Chris Brown" 
Still nothing, OK how about. "Punched" "Kicked" or "Bitten"

I am talking about a talented and beautiful young lady named "Rhianna........ This young lady has had a great life so far. An amazing career filled with Platinum records and commercial adds with Covergirl and all the money a 21 year old needs to set her bank account for life. But, one thing remains, she seems to be a person that still doesn't have enough. A person that is still searching for something. What bugs me the most is that she has run into a person that has disrespected her as a young woman and now has opened the doors to a un-healthy co-dependant relationship. 

I have seen this time and time again with young ladies in our youth ministry. We have seen hundreds of girls come and go and have seen the statistics of co-dependency continue to rise. It has been a long time since I was in high school, but one thing I do remember is having to really work to get a girlfriend. Now, I know I am not the most attractive individual, but I have a cute side. No matter how much I had to work to get a girlfriend we have begun to see the times change. I was sitting and talking to one of my employees the other day about this very issue. I have noticed his cell phone just explode with text messages and phone calls all day long from dozens of girls wanting to see him again, or meet up at a party, or maybe have a little "Cuddle time." I sit there amazed at how many girls call him and how early they text him. They start at 4am and continue throughout the day. I asked him if it is easy for him to date girls. He went on to tell me that he doesn't even have to try or work. "THEY COME TO HIM" 

As I have reflected on what he told me I realized that we have some desperate times coming down the pike. Statistically speaking, 1 out of 3 girls under the age of 18 have been abused, such as, physical, emotional, and sexual. The main type of abuse with young ladies is physical. The sad part about this is, that once the physical happens, woman are 87% more likely to stay in their relationships. Now, we can speculate all we want at why those statistics are so high, but I will give you my personal opinion..........PARENTING!  Sorry to rat out the parents on this one, but, I to am a parent of young kids. Parents are not as involved as they used to be. With the economic crisis and trying to keep up with the Jones', parents are to busy trying to pay for all their toys and trips that they are over working themselves and not spending enough time with their children. One of the biggest things a girl needs is their relationship with their fathers. We have a lot of dead beat dads out there that do not care about what happens to their little girls. 

Out of the hundreds of girls we have seen come in and out of our ministry a large portion of them are starving for a father figure in their lives. The problem is that they find it through ANY male attention that they can find. If you thought the photos of Rhianna were bad, I could say that I have seen worse with some of our girls.  It breaks my heart when you have to call the Sheriff dept, or the Department of Human service to come and help the matter. Even after all those things some young ladies continue to run back to the culprit. 

I truly believe that girls become co-dependant because they honestly believe that it is as good as they are going to get......They have no idea that there are men out there that will cherish and care for them and that they would never let anything happen to them. 

My best friend has three daughters and I pray for him as their dad everyday that he remains invested in their lives. That he can show them love that they need and they will never have to search for a false sense of love.

Do not worry, I will write something in the future calling out the young man that are doing this, but for right now I want to speak to the ladies.

GIRLS: The good news is, you all want to feel love. That is a gift from God. The bad news is, not all guys out there want to show you the healthy version of it. If you have a relationship with your father that is good, please ask him to help keep you accountable on your choice and to protect you. I do not know about you, but having a father that is a little protective is less painful then being in a un-healthy relationship that will progressively get worse. To those of you ladies that have no support what so ever. Find a Pastor, or married couple that can help bring that covering over you as well. I do not know how many girls have asked me to check in on their boyfriends and see if they are legit. I have told several to run from their relationships and never look back.  I have also had the wonderful opportunity in performing the weddings on relationships that I knew the guy was a good guy....

I pray that the Lord will give you the strength to trust in him for the right direction, and that if you are lonely that the Lord will provide those relationships around you to protect you until its the right time......Guard yourself and do not allow yourself to fall into the co-dependant trap......And to Rhianna, I pray that you will no longer be a victim of co-dependency........Much love

Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Let me in Coach"

"Let me in coach! Just give me a chance, I know there is a lot riding on it, but it is psychological." " I am going to execute a button hook pattern, supper slow mo"

That is my favorite seen from Jim Carrey's Ace Ventura......What a classic. 

I was hanging out with my oldest son after church playing football. I was trying to teach him the basics. Now, for those of you who know me I am originally from Canada so I should be teaching him about hockey, but for the 1st sunny day of the year I decided to use a little of my American side and teach him how to play football. It started with the basic catches of a football and by the end of the afternoon it turned into spin moves and sliding. It was a great reminder of the days when I grew up and my father played sports with me. After it was all said and done we both looked at each other and with one snort of our noses and one loogie from our throats we both spit on the grass and walked into the house like "MEN"

Amanda and I have been sitting back for the last year and trying to rest and get some prospective of life and church. We have been attending an amazing church called "Eastlake" It is all families in our age bracket with some amazing worship that I remember some my old school youth have the same caliber. As we have been attending now for the last little while we are reflecting on what it is like to be full time in ministry. Sometimes we take it for granted and do not realize how amazing it is when you are able to pour out your life for the lives of others. 

Although I have a wicked cool job with the Government I am still having the itch to get back into the game..... I want the coach to let me back in. I feel like it is the 4th quarter in Basketball or football. Or I am in sudden death overtime in the middle of Vancouver Canucks vs. Detroit. I have the opportunity in handing out the biggest upset of the year by stuffing a goal on Detroit's goalie and watching them all whine and cry because they finally lost a championship. 

The Lord has given me a lot of passion and zeal for the lost. A heart that burns for the Lords worship. A desire to build a bridge between the church and unbelievers. To create an atmosphere for people who are not normally welcomed in the church. Or as Eastlake would call it "Church for the rest of us" 

The Joy I saw in my oldest eyes when I told him that I would love to play football with him, is the same kind of look that I am giving my heavenly father on a day in day out basis. My father wants to play with me. He wants to use me for his works. He wants to give me an opportunity to play on his team in ministry. I love my boys and I am honored that they still want to play for me or on my team. I have the wonderful opportunity to be their soccer coach this year and I am jazzed to be a apart of their lives. 

Our God wants to be in our lives. He wants to be our coach, our encouragement, our cheerleader. He wants us all to "Get in the Game" and play for him. I want to play. Let me in Lord, give me another opportunity.