Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The "Orange Mocha Frappicino" ministry

 AWWWW! The sweet nectar of the God's "Frappicinos" I myself am a sucker for the Venti Carmel Frappicinos. Whenever I had to meet with staff or other people from the church, instead of meeting in my office, we would meet at my other office, "Starbucks" Whats funny is I would have 2 to 3 meetings at that office a day. Which left me with a predicament....... I couldn't just meet at Starbucks and not use up their tables and not buy anything. So I was left to purchasing 2 to 3 Fraps a day, for a solid 2 years.........As you can tell I felt like a "Shakira song" called "MY HIPS DONT LIE."   Towards the end of the first year I was huffing and puffing just lifting the straw to my mouth. Goodness knows that when it came time for the Sheriff Dept training I was done for. I strictly remember having the, "I have to stop this" convo with myself after my first defensive tactics class and immediately running to hug porcelain and blowing chunks. I also remember walking back into class with all my other deputies staring at me and asking me if I was alright. I then had to face the tough reality that I couldn't drink fraps anymore or at least cut back. Instead of telling the others in the class why I threw up I had to let them know that I had the flu. I had to keep my manhood. What would it be like if I told them that I Frap. Some of them chew tobacco, some of them smoke and others drink coffee and energy drinks. If I would have told them that I "Frap" I would have had to raise my pinky finger at the same time and have them laugh at me. 

But, although my weight increased, so did my spiritual life. I found myself having my prayer times in the middle of the Starbucks on Sunnyside and having wonderful encounters with all kinds of people. I have had the BEST conversations with believers and un-believers. For example, people sharing what it is about church that turns them off from Christianity. Why people have cheated on their spouses. Why some have went on to sell drugs to make a living. To having in-depth bible discussions. 

I truly believe Starbucks makes their money not because their coffee tastes the best, but the atmosphere it offers for community. Community is a big key in peoples lives. Some people would never enter into a conversation like that in a church. Because, some people would never walk into a church. People need a stage to communicate their heart and sometimes we need to get them in an atmosphere that is non-threatening and available for them to open up and share their feelings, hopes, and dreams. 

My coolest conversation was with one of the Baristas as we discussed church and passions in life. She went on to tell me that she grew up in a legalistic church and it has turned her off to all of what church has to offer. The more I came into Starbucks, the more in depth our church convo went on. I told her we had a great church......Needless to say she showed up to College that next weekend and made a commitment to the pastor that she was going to become involved in the ministry........God and Starbucks can heal lives....hahaha.  Do not quote me on that Starbucks bit....

I know Starbucks already makes a killing off their drinks, but one more thing I would like to ask those who read this and feel the same way I do, by using Starbucks as our offices.....TIP the baristas before you leave. Cause I know looking back that I have been so busy having a great time with others that I forget my drink on the table, or I laugh to hard, or I accidentally spill my frap on the ground. They need some love from us too. Tips show that you respect them......Oh, and it also says it in the bible to bless others.....BINGO

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