Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Youth Camp Love

Who can remember their first Summer camp experience? Who remembers the hiking, the biking, the rock climbing, the water sports and then from across the lake you noticed a person that you thought was the most beautiful thing you have ever seen? The next day begins trying to find the same activities that this person is doing so you can get just one glimpse of her as you try to act as if you are not noticing. At night when the service is about to take place you make sure you sit as close as you can without being completely obvious. During the worship set while others around have their eyes closed, you are the one searching to make sure your eyes might possibly connect. Day 3 comes along, and you have just enough courage to go up to her and tell her how much you like her. Day 4 you are holding hands and preparing for the 1st kiss. After the kiss comes, day 5 peeks its unwilling head through the camp just in time to swap numbers and to say goodbye for one last time. "I promise I will call you" " Maine is not that far away"
The final thing you see is the window rolling down and the wave of her hand slowly fading into the distance. As a single tear runs down your face never to see her again. You say to yourself. "I will always love and remember ?" crap what was her name again?
Having my own personal camp experiences with other girls from other churches, I sit back and watch in the last 10 years how many students that I have had to monitor, watch, and protect from these types of situations. The hardest thing for me to grasp is when the camp is all over, how much that student will not make it through another day without seeing the other persons face. "I Love him/her"
It is interesting how many of these relationships end at the last word said. "Goodbye" never to be seen from, or hear from again until the possible next years camp reunion where we have matured oh so much, that we are to cool for the other person.
As Amanda is away on her first summer camp alone with out me, I smile whenever she calls me because she is mentioning all the potential hook ups that are taking place at camp. I cant help but crack up at the fact that some of our students will be at this place by the end of their week. Because camps at times are so emotionally charged a person cant help but like the opposite sex, and be drawn to them in an emotional week long dating scene.
To those of you reading this, parents, young adults, and youth students, just remember what it was like when you went to camp. It is not going to be like the opening scenes of Forrest Gump, where you and the other person are going to be like pees and carrots. That way we can fall under this understanding that life moves on past camp to a wonderful future. So laugh when we need to laugh. These are some funny stories that help us tell our children when they get to be that age.

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